------------------------------ Amy Vavere PhD Director, Molecular Imaging Core St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis TN ------------------------------
There is a SNNMI/EANM practice guideline which gives several options for a liquid only small bowel transit study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine November 2013, 54 (11) 2004-2013 Ver 1.0 You just need to remember that the normal small ...
Does anyone have experience with doing a liquid only small bowel transit study. Validity and protocols ? ------------------------------ Jeffrey Ross MD Royal Columbian Hospital Vancouver BC ------------------------------
How often is your oncall rate evaluated? What is your rate? Our current rate is $4/hr. Does that align? ------------------------------ James Crowley MHA, CNMT Imaging Services Manager Carilion Clinic Roanoke VA -------------------------- ...
Hello, We are looking to set up an Ictal SPECT program at our institution and wanted to see how other pediatric institutions have navigated this process. This is obviously a logistically complex process due to the timing and resources needed. ...
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